
英会話最後でした。(Last English coversation class)

I took an English coversation class in Ikebukuro. It was my last class.

I have not met the teacher ,but it was fun to have a chat!


He grew up in NY  around the Canadian border , so He sometimse went to Montreal to chill out.

I wanted to give my letter to Teneal  I usually took her class , yet she was off ,so I asked the cute reception girl to give it to her.

After that , I met my friend , Marshie,  to help him to study TOEIC

英語が話せるようになりたいらしいんだけど、僕が思うにTOEICとTOEIC SWと英検準二級と二級に同時に取り組めば英語が話せるようになると思うんだ。
He wants to get an ability of speaking English. It is just my opinion ; however if he study TOEIC, TOEIC SW , Eiken Grade pre 2, and Eiken Grade 2 at once , he will develop his outputting skills such as speaking and writing.

というのも、TOEICはスピーキングとライティングセクションがない。TOEIC SWはスピーキングとライティングテストですが、テキストブックがほとんどない。英検は、準二級からリーディング、ライティング、スピーキング、リスニングのすべてがる。日本ではポピュラーだし、テキストブックもたくさんある。
Mainly because TOEIC does not have Speaking and Writting section, TOEIC SW has spekaing and writing secioin ,yet there is few text books. Eiken has Reading ,writing, listeing and speaking from Grad pre 2 and very popular and there are lots of books  to study English  .

にほんブログ村 PVランキング

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